Dashboards & Visualizations

Custom dropdown for months


Hi All,

I have prepared a dropdown using this solution- https://community.splunk.com/t5/Dashboards-Visualizations/Custom-Time-dropdown/m-p/677806#M55517

From this solution i used this query to create the dropdown.

| makeresults
| addinfo 
| eval date=mvrange(info_min_time,info_max_time,"1mon") 
| mvexpand date
| sort - date
| eval Month=strftime(date,"%b-%y")
| table Month date

How to use this in the query so that the search will take only selected month.

Also for some other charts the query should take the date till the selected month. For example if Jan 24 is selected, the chart should show data till dec 23.

How can i achieve these 2 requirements? can anyone help me!


Labels (3)
Tags (2)
0 Karma


Your dropdown will shown some labels which are associated with values. When the label is selected, the value is placed in the token associated with the dropdown. Use this token in the searches for your panels. How you do this depends very much on your data / events and what it is that you are trying to achieve for each panel. At the moment, only you know the detail of what this is.

0 Karma


Hi @ITWhisperer ,

Thank you so much for the info. I referred the example mentioned above and i was able to get the answer.

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