Please could anyone provide an insight into how to put custom drill down onto a Single Value that is Icon-Only. So you click, say the red X, and it takes you to a statistics dashboard (Already created), sets a token using GET and displays contents of that dashboard?
Preferably, it would be by clicking on the icon, alternatively, can anyone provide how to redirect a HTML button to a different view?
Please download and look at the Splunk Dashboard Examples app ( https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1603/ )that was built exactly for this usecase. There are many examples of how to use SINGLE VALUE in many creative ways including where your drilldowns go and where you want to place your drilldowns. Please install the app on your Splunk instance and go to the Single value area where you simply cut and paste the examples into your app and change out the appropriate searches to get your desired effect. It could not be easier. Another tidbit of advice. IF you are looking to do anything new with your Splunk UI the answer is always YES. Google it, get it from the Examples, do Google searches for "Splunk Viz Apps". Its exciting stuff. If you can't follow email hutch@splunk.com. I have created single value animated gifs to emulate multiple stages of severities through visual cues such as motion and color. Its really a highly extendable visualization with CSS.
Hi, Did you ever get this working? I'm looking at doing the same thing. Thanks
add an empty column to your table (using your search)... You can implement your logic to add custom drill down using javaScript/jQuery inside application.js
What content do you want to take across using GET?
You mean You want to add an icon to your table on each row... and on clicking it should be redirected to a new page view based on the row data....