Dashboards & Visualizations

Create a Pivot Table

Path Finder

Hi, I have a few columns of data and I would like to generate a pivot table that is similar to the one in Excel.

As an example:

09-01/New York/Monday/Yes
09-05/New York/Friday/Yes
09-01/Los Angeles/Tuesday/Yes
08-28/San Francisco/Wednesday/No

How can I organize/sort these data so it reports the following for all days:

      Chicago/0  /1
       Dallas/1  /0
  Los Angeles/1  /0
     New York/2  /0
San Francisco/0  /1

And reports the following for Monday only:

 Chicago/0  /1
New York/1  /0


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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

This is a fairly simple search, provided that you extract the fields City and Response from a set of events, where each event is one line of your data:

... | chart count by City Response

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

This is a fairly simple search, provided that you extract the fields City and Response from a set of events, where each event is one line of your data:

... | chart count by City Response

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

If you have a CSV file that enumerates all cities, than before the "| chart" you can add "| inputlookup append=t .csv" where .csv is in etc/apps//lookups.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks again Stephen for your help. There is one draw back from your solution. I want to sort for a specific range of dates and the data often does not contain "San Francisco". The code given above will create a "San Francisco" field even though no applicable data is available.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Yes, with difficulty. Create an auxiliary field with the eval command and a case statement like: ... | eval order = case(City == "SF", 1, ...) | sort order | fields - order

0 Karma

Path Finder

The default lists the fields in alphabetical order. What's the syntax if I want to list them in a non-alphabetical order? i.e.,


San Francisco/0 /1
Chicago/0 /1
Dallas/1 /0
Los Angeles/1 /0
New York/2 /0

Thanks again!

0 Karma
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