Could a saved search be linked to a URL(hyperlink) in a dashboard and the saved search must be run when the URL is clicked?
We are trying to embed a link to a saved search in a dashboard and the saved search must be run when a user clicks on it.
The saved search need not display the results to the user rather it must trigger a script after the serach is complete that inturm will update a file and the file to be mailed to the user.
Hi premg,
this is just a pointer in a direction you probably could go, I don't know if it will work.
There is a module called SubmitButton
which could be used for this. In combination with something like this:
<module name="HiddenSavedSearch" autoRun="False">
<param name="HiddenSavedSearch">"My Foo Saved Search"</param>
cheers, MuS
thanks Mus
You can launch a saved search from clicking a link by making the link point at the report view like this:
Where savedsearchid is something like this:
That will open the reports view though.
If you're using JavaScript to build your dashboards you can listen to a dummy link being clicked and launch any search you like by starting a SearchManager, with no need to redirect the user to any new page or to display results.
Thanks martin_mueller