I have this search in my Splunk
index="ssl" reportdiverted
| rex field=Date_Lane "(?......)"
| stats count by Lane
| lookup Lane_Name.CSV Lane as Lane OUTPUT Lane_name as Lane
| sort Lane
| appendcols
[search index="ssl" sourcetype=csv |chart sum(Passagiers) by Lane | fields sum(People)]
| rename count as Total_Trays sum(People) as Total_People
| eval Image_Factor= round(Total_Trays/Total_People,2)
| table Lane Image_Factor
This works fine so i converted it to a timechart search:
index="ssl" reportdiverted
|rex field=Date_Lane "(?......)"
|lookup Lane_Name.CSV Lane as Lane OUTPUT Lane_name as Lane
|eventstats count as Total_Events
|timechart span=1d count as Trays
[search index="ssl" sourcetype=csv |rex field=Date_Lane "(?
|eval Image_Factor= round(Trays/People,2)
Now i want to count by Lane how do i integrate this with this search so i can get a timechart of image_factor by Lane (trays/people,2)