Dashboards & Visualizations

Change color of text that contains a link interaction


I have a table that contains Notable Source events with a drilldown that links to a dashboard of those events. In edit mode the text contained in the table is white. However, when I switch to view mode the text changes to the default blue hyperlink color. I was wondering if there was a way to change the default color to be white before a user interacts with the table and then change to blue once the user clicks on a field in the table. I saw a post where someone had a similar question and I read the links provided in the solution; however, I'm new to XML so I still didn't really understand after reading the articles. Here is the post I referenced: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Dashboards-Visualizations/is-it-possible-to-apply-a-hex-color-to-cha.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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