I'm trying to automate restoring splunk dashboards from their xml source. I've found the xml sources for my dashboards in
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local/data/ui/views. I'd like to keep a copy of these in git and have a script that would utilize the splunk REST API or Javascript SDK to populate the dashboards into my splunk using the xml sources. So my question is if the splunk API or Javascript SDK allows for this?
The relevant REST endpoint is /servicesNS/user_name/app_name/data/ui/views/view_name
, but I'm afraid its docs are missing from docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.0/RESTREF/RESTknowledge so you'd have to go and guess/reverse-engineer the correct parameters. Do submit feedback at the bottom of that page to let the docs team know.
The relevant REST endpoint is /servicesNS/user_name/app_name/data/ui/views/view_name
, but I'm afraid its docs are missing from docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.0/RESTREF/RESTknowledge so you'd have to go and guess/reverse-engineer the correct parameters. Do submit feedback at the bottom of that page to let the docs team know.
Thank you, @martin_mueller and @amrit, for your discussion of these endpoints. FYI, there is now documentation for /views and /views/{name} here:
Hi. Is there any way to retrieve the data from dashboard using REST API.
/servicesNS/user_name/app_name/data/ui/views/view_name, this URL will give us the info about the dashboard.
i want the data to be pulled from dashboard.
You should ask a separate question, @vamsy7.
Like this:
$ curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/admin/search/data/ui/views -d "name=foo&eai:data=<dashboard><label>weeee</label></dashboard>"
Creating a knowledge object always is a POST to the root of the knowledge object with a name passed as a parameter, modifying is a POST to that knowledge object itself with the name in the path.
Say you have a dashboard called curl
owned by admin
privately in the search
app. Then you can run this to overwrite its XML:
$ curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/admin/search/data/ui/views/curl -d "eai:data=<dashboard><label>weeee</label></dashboard>"
awesome answer!
how could the cURL command look if I want to create a new dashboard using POST. Tried to do it the way Amrit tells it but I get "argument is not supported by this handler".
This would help me alot!!
I'm looking for the same thing. Let's say I wan't to change the XML source, how could my cURL command look like?
Martin's right. Per the special auto-doccing URL /servicesNS/user_name/app_name/data/ui/views/_new , the required parameters are eai:data and the implicit name. You can accomplish a Create by POSTing to views/my_view_name and specifying the raw XML content in the eai:data parameter.