Dashboards & Visualizations

Can we limit the number of rows/events in a statistics table dashboard panel?


I have a statistics table-panel in my dashboard.
By the default each page displays some random no of evets and it's really long(the panel) in my dashboard.
Can we restrict the no of events/rows in a page in the panel?

I tried looking for help and limit was mentioned. But that would restrict the entire result.

I dont want that. Its just that the events should be displayed in more pages but not long panels.

Hope my Qs is not vague.

Kindly suggest

0 Karma
1 Solution


Hi sarnagar,
do you mean that you want limit the number of rows for page or the number of results?
If number of rows for page, there's an option for each panel that you can set to display an exact number of rows in each page,
you can set it by web Gui

[Format Visualization -- General - Rows Per Page]

or by source

<option name="count">100</option>

If instead you want to limit the number of results, you have to put at the end of your search | head 10.


View solution in original post


Hi sarnagar,
do you mean that you want limit the number of rows for page or the number of results?
If number of rows for page, there's an option for each panel that you can set to display an exact number of rows in each page,
you can set it by web Gui

[Format Visualization -- General - Rows Per Page]

or by source

<option name="count">100</option>

If instead you want to limit the number of results, you have to put at the end of your search | head 10.


Path Finder

I had try this out but still not working. here my search

| convert ctime(_time) as thetime
| stats list(thetime) as "Time", list(Message) as Event | head 10

I used this command to show the log msg but the result in long page....

0 Karma


Hi sarnagar,
the option must be inserted in the Panel options of the dashboard, not in the search.
Anyway I see that the results of your search are limited to 10.

0 Karma
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