I currently have a dashboard that has a drop-down to display cool statistics in graphical form based on state (i.e. Alabama, Alaska, etc.). I have a map panel as well that has the default location and zoom as the entire U.S.. I think it would be neat to have the location and zoom change based on the state drop-down token. How would I do that?
Hi Phil219,
You can do this by passing the token for the zoom level to the dashboard; look at this XML which uses Twitter data - will maybe not work for you - but you will get the idea how it can be done:
<label>drop down map</label>
<fieldset submitButton="true">
<input type="dropdown" token="zoom" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="3">3</choice>
<choice value="6">6</choice>
<input type="dropdown" token="location" searchWhenChanged="false">
<query>tag=twitter coordinates.type=Point | dedup user.location | table user.location | rename user.location AS location</query>
<choice value="*">all</choice>
<query>tag=twitter coordinates.type=Point user.location=$location$ | rename coordinates.coordinates{} as lnglat | eval lat=mvindex(lnglat,1) | eval lng=mvindex(lnglat,0) | geostats latfield=lat longfield=lng count</query>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.colorBins">5</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.colorMode">auto</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.maximumColor">0xDB5800</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.minimumColor">0x2F25BA</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.neutralPoint">0</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.shapeOpacity">0.75</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.showBorder">1</option>
<option name="mapping.data.maxClusters">100</option>
<option name="mapping.drilldown">all</option>
<option name="mapping.map.center">(0,0)</option>
<option name="mapping.map.panning">true</option>
<option name="mapping.map.scrollZoom">false</option>
<option name="mapping.map.zoom">$zoom$</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerMaxSize">50</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerMinSize">10</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerOpacity">0.8</option>
<option name="mapping.showTiles">1</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.maxZoom">7</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.minZoom">0</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.tileOpacity">1</option>
<option name="mapping.type">marker</option>
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
The key element is this XML option
<option name="mapping.map.zoom">$zoom$</option>
which gets the $zoom$
from the drop down
<input type="dropdown" token="zoom" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="3">3</choice>
<choice value="6">6</choice>
Hope this helps to get you started ...
cheers, MuS
Hi Phil219,
You can do this by passing the token for the zoom level to the dashboard; look at this XML which uses Twitter data - will maybe not work for you - but you will get the idea how it can be done:
<label>drop down map</label>
<fieldset submitButton="true">
<input type="dropdown" token="zoom" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="3">3</choice>
<choice value="6">6</choice>
<input type="dropdown" token="location" searchWhenChanged="false">
<query>tag=twitter coordinates.type=Point | dedup user.location | table user.location | rename user.location AS location</query>
<choice value="*">all</choice>
<query>tag=twitter coordinates.type=Point user.location=$location$ | rename coordinates.coordinates{} as lnglat | eval lat=mvindex(lnglat,1) | eval lng=mvindex(lnglat,0) | geostats latfield=lat longfield=lng count</query>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.colorBins">5</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.colorMode">auto</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.maximumColor">0xDB5800</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.minimumColor">0x2F25BA</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.neutralPoint">0</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.shapeOpacity">0.75</option>
<option name="mapping.choroplethLayer.showBorder">1</option>
<option name="mapping.data.maxClusters">100</option>
<option name="mapping.drilldown">all</option>
<option name="mapping.map.center">(0,0)</option>
<option name="mapping.map.panning">true</option>
<option name="mapping.map.scrollZoom">false</option>
<option name="mapping.map.zoom">$zoom$</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerMaxSize">50</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerMinSize">10</option>
<option name="mapping.markerLayer.markerOpacity">0.8</option>
<option name="mapping.showTiles">1</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.maxZoom">7</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.minZoom">0</option>
<option name="mapping.tileLayer.tileOpacity">1</option>
<option name="mapping.type">marker</option>
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
The key element is this XML option
<option name="mapping.map.zoom">$zoom$</option>
which gets the $zoom$
from the drop down
<input type="dropdown" token="zoom" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="3">3</choice>
<choice value="6">6</choice>
Hope this helps to get you started ...
cheers, MuS
Thanks MuS, I took time to try this out. The zoom dropdown works great!
I am trying to implement a dropdown for center:
<input type="dropdown" token="state_token" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Pick a State</label>
<query>host=coolstuff | dedup State | table State</query>
<input type="dropdown" token="city_token" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Pick a City (must be on "All" to change State)</label>
<query>host=coolstuff State=$state_token$ | stats count by City | sort -count</query>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
My problem comes trying to implement these tokens into this field:
<option name="mapping.map.center">(52.7,-124.45)</option>
So, I currently have "mapping.map.center" default to:
I tried replacing numbers with variables (i.e.: (latfield, longfield) and (avg(latfield),avg(longfield)) but it wasn't working. Any suggestions?
Hi Phil, were you able to make this work. I have similar usecase
UseCase - Use world map to show register health/activities across the globe
Data - storeData - has all store related info including latitude and longitude
activity log --- by store and register
what we need is build a dashboard with input as country/state/city. once one of selection is made we are supposed to zoom that area.
Thanks MuS! I will give this a go and let you know what happens.