Hello Splunk Community!
I am very new to Splunk, and SPL. My question is...
If I have a dashboard of two panels (VulnScans, Firewall_Events) Would I be able to accomplish the following query (or anything like it) in the 'Firewall_Events' panel:
index=firewall src_ip=List_of_IPs_from_table_in_VulScans AND src_port=List_of_Ports_from_table_in_VulScans
what I would like to achieve is to take both the vulnerable IPs and their associated vulnernable port (IP.252 AND port23, IP.224 AND port25,......) that were output from the query in the VulScans panel, and search them in the firewall events for any traffic to/from that IP AND to/from it's port for further investigation.
Would I be able to AND each row or conjoin the IP and Port somehow to be seen as one item/field (IP1 AND Port1 as Asset1?
Would I be able to OR each set; search for IP.252 AND Port23 OR IP.224 AND Port25, ..........and so forth?
With Splunk, you will find the answer is invariably yes, but there are often several ways to solve the problem 🙂
As far as using the results from panel search 1 in panel 2, no, that's not directly possible, although with time and javascript knowledge, it probably can be done.
The way to do this would be typically using a subsearch, i.e.
index=firewall [
search <here_search_for_src_ip_and_src_port>
| stats count by src_ip src_port
| fields - count
See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.1.1/SearchTutorial/Useasubsearch
You can see what the subsearch will present to the outer search by running the subsearch on its own and then adding
| format
to the end of the query - you will see how the subsearch results get added to the parent search. Note that subsearches are normally always run before the parent.
To the field combining, look at the eval command - this is the Swiss Army knife of all things Splunk SPL
| eval asset=src_ip.":".src_port
will create a new field called asset, which will be, for example,