Hy Guys,
i work since 3 Days with Splunk, now i was try to configure a Dashboard for a Server with the Radial Gauge Visualization.
But i dont know how, can anyone give me a example "search" code for this?
Server name: test-splunk , i have installed the Windows App, and Poll's the CPUTime every Second.
And now i will see the Radial Gauge in "Real Time" or every few seconds with the CPU % from the test-splunk server.
Thank You.
This is my search-code at this moment:
source=WMI:CPUTime host="test-splunk" PercentUserTime="*" | timechart avg(PercentUserTime)
I was try time range -1h to nothing, with this option i see a Column Grahpic from the last Hour.
When i Try the Radial Gauge i see only 0...when i change the Time Range to -1s, nothing happents, Radial Gauge is only 0.
Here's an example based around the messages over 10 minutes in Splunk's internal log:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<searchString>index=_internal | stats count </searchString>
<option name="charting.chart">radialGauge</option>
<option name="count">10</option>
<option name="displayRowNumbers">true</option>
You'll probably want to switch out the search for one which finds the CPUTime events, and then pipe to stats avg(CPUTime)
or similar.
Here's an example based around the messages over 10 minutes in Splunk's internal log:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<searchString>index=_internal | stats count </searchString>
<option name="charting.chart">radialGauge</option>
<option name="count">10</option>
<option name="displayRowNumbers">true</option>
You'll probably want to switch out the search for one which finds the CPUTime events, and then pipe to stats avg(CPUTime)
or similar.