Dashboards & Visualizations

Bar/Column Chart Color for Multi Values

Path Finder


Below Column Chart Results and visualization, I wanted to show different colors for field Values.

like AU Pre & AU Post as one color 
DE Pre & DE Post as one color. 

I'm using this but doesn't work 

<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"AU Pre":0x333333,"AU Post":0xd93f3c,"JP Pre":0xeeeeee,"JP Post":0x65a637,"DE Pre":0xeeeeee,"DE Post":0x65a637}</option>

market           limit             spend

AU Pre1462912884854
AU Post21605671166031
DE Pre9121776973
DE Post16022197906
JP Pre16217121015115
JP Post27873941282541



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That particular property is keyed off of your Y fields, not the X-field that you'd like.  For example, to change the colors with your field names, you'd do something like this - but I understand this isn't what you're looking for:


<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"limit":0x333333,"spend":0xd93f3c}</option>


I came up with a real hack way to do this...someone who knows more than me might have a better way,,,

Since this chart property is keyed off the name of the y-fields, then you could custom-name all the Y-fields so you can reference them in the fieldColors property.  Here is some example SPL with a bunch of evals to really show how you can split these up:


| makeresults format=csv data="market,limit,spend
\"AU Pre\",	1462912,	884854
\"AU Post\",	2160567,	1166031
\"DE Pre\",	91217,	76973
\"DE Post\",	160221,	97906"

| eval AU_Pre_limit = if(market="AU Pre",limit,null)
| eval AU_Post_limit = if(market="AU Post",limit,null)
| eval DE_Pre_limit = if(market="DE Pre",limit,null)
| eval DE_Post_limit = if(market="DE Post",limit,null)
| table market, AU_Pre_limit, AU_Post_limit, DE_Pre_limit, DE_Post_limit, spend



Then you can build a fieldColors property like this:


        <option name="charting.fieldColors">
         {"AU_Pre_limit":0x333333,"AU_Post_limit":0xd93f3c, "DE_Pre_limit":0xeeeeee,"DE_Post_limit":0x65a637, "spend":0xaa0000}


Here is an example dashboard.  I will also attach the SimpleXML in a PDF so you can try it out:



** Again...this is very hack and I typically try and keep as much formatting/display info out of my SPL as I can (or at least put it way at the end or do it as a post-process).  This totally breaks any MVC-patterns I like to follow.  But...if you have something you just need to get working and pretty for now, this will do.  


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That particular property is keyed off of your Y fields, not the X-field that you'd like.  For example, to change the colors with your field names, you'd do something like this - but I understand this isn't what you're looking for:


<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"limit":0x333333,"spend":0xd93f3c}</option>


I came up with a real hack way to do this...someone who knows more than me might have a better way,,,

Since this chart property is keyed off the name of the y-fields, then you could custom-name all the Y-fields so you can reference them in the fieldColors property.  Here is some example SPL with a bunch of evals to really show how you can split these up:


| makeresults format=csv data="market,limit,spend
\"AU Pre\",	1462912,	884854
\"AU Post\",	2160567,	1166031
\"DE Pre\",	91217,	76973
\"DE Post\",	160221,	97906"

| eval AU_Pre_limit = if(market="AU Pre",limit,null)
| eval AU_Post_limit = if(market="AU Post",limit,null)
| eval DE_Pre_limit = if(market="DE Pre",limit,null)
| eval DE_Post_limit = if(market="DE Post",limit,null)
| table market, AU_Pre_limit, AU_Post_limit, DE_Pre_limit, DE_Post_limit, spend



Then you can build a fieldColors property like this:


        <option name="charting.fieldColors">
         {"AU_Pre_limit":0x333333,"AU_Post_limit":0xd93f3c, "DE_Pre_limit":0xeeeeee,"DE_Post_limit":0x65a637, "spend":0xaa0000}


Here is an example dashboard.  I will also attach the SimpleXML in a PDF so you can try it out:



** Again...this is very hack and I typically try and keep as much formatting/display info out of my SPL as I can (or at least put it way at the end or do it as a post-process).  This totally breaks any MVC-patterns I like to follow.  But...if you have something you just need to get working and pretty for now, this will do.  


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