I use the following grid structure to define source and destination filters in one of my dashboards. I would like to add a button to each panel to reset the content of the input text box, however I am struggling to create the CSS code to align the link list input correctly. I would like to move them to the top-right corner of the wide input panels (the position is highlighted with a red box on the screenshot).
Could someone please help me write the correct CSS code which would align the button correctly?
I have added a run anywhere dashboard with the CSS scripts included.
<form theme="dark">
<label>Dashboard CSS Alignment Example</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
<panel id="inputFilterFirstColumnRow1">
<panel id="inputFilterSecondColumnRow1">
<input type="link" token="tokClearSrcFilter" searchWhenChanged="true" id="button_clear_src_filter">
<choice value="clear_src_filter">X</choice>
<condition value="clear_src_filter">
<unset token="tokClearSrcFilter"></unset>
<unset token="form.tokClearSrcFilter"></unset>
<set token="tokSrcFilter">*</set>
<set token="form.tokSrcFilter">*</set>
<input type="text" token="tokSrcFilter" searchWhenChanged="true" id="wideInputBox_SourceFilter">
<label>Source Filter</label>
<panel id="inputFilterThirdColumnRow1">
<input type="link" token="tokClearDestFilter" searchWhenChanged="true" id="button_clear_dest_filter">
<choice value="clear_dest_filter">X</choice>
<condition value="clear_dest_filter">
<unset token="tokClearDestFilter"></unset>
<unset token="form.tokClearDestFilter"></unset>
<set token="tokDestFilter">*</set>
<set token="form.tokDestFilter">*</set>
<input type="text" token="tokDestFilter" searchWhenChanged="true" id="wideInputBox_DestinationFilter">
<label>Destination Filter</label>
<row depends="$alwaysHideCSSStyleOverride$">
/* Wide text input box style. Use id="wideInputBox_unique_id" in the input header */
div[id^="wideInputBox"] .splunk-textinput {
min-width: 20vw !important;
width: 40vw !important;
max-width: 40vw !important;
color: yellow;
div[id^="wideInputBox"] .splunk-textinput input[type="text"] {
min-width: 20vw !important;
width: 40vw !important;
max-width: 40vw !important;
color: yellow;
/* This section sets the width of the three columns of secondary filter panels - 10% - 45% - 45% */
width:10% !important;
width:45% !important;
width:45% !important;
/* Clear Button positioned to the right side of the panel */
width:20px !important;
float: right;
div[id^="button_clear"] button[data-test="option"]{
flex-grow: 0;
border-radius: 2px;
border-width: thin;
border-color: lightgrey;
border-style: inset;
width: 20px;
padding: 2px 2px;
div[id^="button_clear"] label{
div[id^="button_clear"] span[data-test="label"]:hover{
padding: 0px;
| makeresults
| eval src=$tokSrcFilter|s$, dest = $tokDestFilter|s$
| table src, dest
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
Try adding this style
div[id="inputFilterThirdColumnRow1-fieldset"] {
width: inherit !important;
Try adding this style
div[id="inputFilterThirdColumnRow1-fieldset"] {
width: inherit !important;