I am trying add an image in my dashboard following the link below
Use an image file in a dashboard panel
Step1 Put the image file in the following directory.
If an /images directory does not already exist, create one and put the file in it.
Step 2 Verify that the image file path is accessible by testing the following URL.
For example, use this URL to verify that the my_image.png file is accessible.
Step 3 In the <html> panel, use this syntax to indicate a file from the current app context.
<img src="/static/app/search/images/<file_name>.png">
I have problem on step 2 where ask to verify that the image file path is accessible.
Any suggestion where I can fix that?
Thanks in advance
Hi samlinsongguo,
at first put your image in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/appserver/static and then use a code like the following:
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;">
<img src="/static/app/myapp/myimage.png" style="height:80px;border;0;"/>
Beware to the dimensions of your image.
my splunk install does not have folder /etc/apps/appserver. I created the folder /appserver/static but still cant see the image. I think I put the image everywhere/ all possible fodlers but still cant refer to it. is that something on my server setting like IIS settings I need to change?
did you restarted or bumped your Splunk after folder creating and image adding?
I usually use this method and I display images.
Beware to the dimensions of your image in file, resize it to the dimensions you want.
I think he meant to say $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/appserver/static.
And the image src would be "/static/app/image.png".