i use this request in a Dashboard
but when the result = 0 i dont have 0 displaying but Nothing
i would like to ,have 0
how to do please?
index="*" DisplayName="PCServicesWinSrv" Started="false" State="Stopped" | dedup host | stats count by DisplayName | eventstats sum(count) as Total | eval percent=round((count/Total)*100,1) | eval DisplayName=DisplayName."(count: ".count.", percent: ".percent.")" | table count
Hi it is simple try this,
your search
| eval count=if(isnull(count),"0",count)
| table count
thank you very much
thanks a lot!!!!!!
@jip31 if one of the answers has helped you, please do not forget to accept the same to mark this question as answered!
Splunk gives you the fillnull function to do this instead of writing an eval statement(which also should work) -
your search | fillnull value=0 count
Hi it is simple try this,
your search
| eval count=if(isnull(count),"0",count)
| table count