Buttercup Games Request Status Select and Drilldown

Dashboard Challenge

Buttercup Games Request Status Select and Drilldown

Buttercup Games Request Status Select and Drilldown

Initially, the dashboard shows two panels showing the status of requests from Buttercup Games (tutorial) dataset.

The first panel shows the percentage of requests in each hour with various status values. A nominal threshold is set at 85% success rate. The colour of the banner is dynamically chosen, based on percentage of hours when success rate is below nominal threshold.


When the user selects a time period (with pan and zoom), another panel opens up.

This chart uses the time period selected above, and breaks down the statuses into 5-minute slots. The success and threshold overlay lines are percentages; the other status values are counted in the 5-minute bins.


When the user selects a status bar (from the chart or legend), a further panel opens up with the selected events tabled.


Additional statuses can be added to the filter by clicking on them on the chart, clicking them again removes them from the filter. Clicking on "threshold" removes the statis filter completely.


Moving the time select pan and zoom, removes the drilldown table panel.

Resetting the time select pan and zoom, removes the 5-minute status chart.

The final panel shows the hourly success rate for the final day with the upper and lower boundaries being the corresponding maximum and minimum hourly rates from the dataset. The left-hand y-axis is auto-scaled depending on overall minimum success rate.


This is a standard line chart using some hidden features normally used by the predict command.
