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This Week's Community Digest - Splunk Community Happenings [8.3.22]

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News From Splunk Answers ✍️

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 2.21.47 PM.pngSplunk Answers is the place to get help, advice, and problems solved by your fellow community members. It's also loaded with love (it's easy to get quite gushy about it 😍). Karma is good, feels good, and we love seeing so much of it shared on a constant basis on Splunk Answers. You can learn all about karma points here. It's a fun and easy way to reward others for their hard work that keeps the community wheels turning. Congrats to the following 62 community members who received their first karma point within the last month! 

@rosslord , @CybErlich , @mikelongley , @alexanderl , @Rajiv_splunk , @cbarthel , @Taruchit , @Becherer , @JAbbottNinja , @codedtech , @rkantamaneni , @zapping575 , @Will_powr , @mpalarchio , @rh71rdu , @kuntald , @Dave_Burns , @Hoekb03 , @rkeq0515 , @sebridge , @power12 , @manu_giriyappa , @aramkrishna , @scaparelli , @iamsplunker , @cyrmue , @bahndg , @mykol_j , @mskrzynski , @msilva , @rashaikh , @danks , @smcooper , @maa_splunk , @N3astY , @ffchang , @shaa , @wfrankl2 , @sitthiporns , @XavG , @mrsnrub , @Amksa86 , @kentsaunders , @NotSure , @pwrdwn , @WillTheOnly , @cstamilarasan , @JacekF , @khin , @jwshieldsGetty , @WildHuckleberry , @smdasim , @Sh4ne0 , @jamesjung01 , @lgsplunks , @SplunkDash , @splunk-the-prob , @vergneau , @ndgold , @NullZero , @kiranpanchavat1 

Upcoming User Group Events! 👏

Get in on these upcoming user group events in August. Most meetings are hybrid or virtual, and we've got a bevy of in-person meetups going on now as well. Join a meeting!

August Upcoming User Group Events:

  • London User Group 8/4 - (Hybrid) [RSVPAutomating Splunk Deployments With Ansible/Terraform With Musa Guhad. As your Splunk footprint increases, so does the complexity and the human input necessary to provision and maintain this new infrastructure. To ensure consistent deployment and configuration of Splunk deployments, we will look at how we can leverage Terraform (for Infrastructure provisioning) and Ansible (for configuration management) for faster MTTV as well as reducing and removing the toil involved.
  • Dallas User Group 8/9 - (Hybrid) [RSVPSplunk Vulnerabilities Roll-up. How do you get reluctant Splunk Admins to accept and finally upgrade to a Splunk x.0.0 release? Make it the only way to mitigate the eight “new” vulnerabilities you announce the same day it’s released! What are these vulnerabilities, how critical are they, and what steps can you take to secure your deployment? Cone to DASUG and find answers to all of this and more!
  • Luxembourg User Group 8/10 - (Virtual) [RSVPEnriching Your Splunk Data With Non-standard Data Sources. Splunk already offers a vast panoply of mechanisms to allow engineers to correlate their data and enrich events. With this in mind, the only limitation we have is our imagination. In this session, Tony Reinke, Splunkie award recipient and long-term member of the Splunk Community, will show us how to reach the next level of data enrichment.
  • San Francisco User Group 8/16 - (Virtual) [RSVPHow to Start or Lead a Splunk User Group. In this session, formerly known as "Splunk User Group Leader Training," you will learn what it takes to be a Splunk User Group leader, along with the next steps in creating a Splunk User Group or joining an existing leadership team. This course is mandatory for anyone who intends to lead a Splunk User Group.
  • Denver User Group 8/17 - (Hybrid) [RSVPDenver Splunk User Group's Splunk-nic Celebration! Hey folks, this one is just about having fun with your fellow Splunk ninjas, having some food and drinks...and of course doing some cool stuff with Splunk. Join us for an awesome time in Centennial Center Park, and in addition to all the usual barbecue fare, we will have a Splunk AR scavenger hunt, show-and-tell from other Splunk enthusiasts, experts from Splunk's Security, Observability and Cloud teams, and prizes!
  • Yorkshire User Group 8/18 - (Hybrid) [RSVP.conf22 Recap. This month we’ll be running a recap session to highlight some of the great content from this year’s .conf22 in Las Vegas. We’ll be hearing from Luke Williams and Mayur Kapadia of Hippo Digital who attended the .conf22 conference and training in-person. We’d love to hear your thoughts on any of the announcements. We’ll have time for questions and wider discussion after the presentations, along with free pizza, beer, and other refreshments for those attending in-person.

Search the full list of User Groups to find meetups in all locations. As we shift into more in-person events and/or hybrid models, there are plenty of opportunities for you to join from across the globe!

ICYMI - New from the Community Blog & Product News & Announcements 🆕

Read the latest announcements posted on the Splunk Community Blog:

Check out the most recent updates from our Product News & Announcements blog:

  • Announcing the General Availability of Synthetic Monitoring Within Splunk Observability! Splunk now offers fully integrated synthetic monitoring within Observability, helping IT and engineering teams proactively detect and resolve performance problems before they reach customers, with full visibility from the end-user experience, through backend service performance.
  • Welcome to the Future of Data Search & Exploration Working with numerous customers and drawing upon 20+ years of historical feedback, Splunk is pleased to announce the Public Preview of a complete redesign of its core Search experience, accelerating the data-to-insight workflow, and bringing the power of Splunk to everyone.
  • July 2022 | Splunk Platform Newsletter We've always got a lot to talk about in the monthly Splunk Newsletter! This latest installment includes new information about improving your security posture, Splunk Assist, machine learning, Splunk Education, Lantern, Splunkbase, Platform Product Adoption Board, and more Splunk Community updates.

— Michelle Schlachta, Community + Content at Splunk

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Enterprise Security Content Update (ESCU) | New Releases

In January, the Splunk Threat Research Team had one release of new security content via the Splunk ES Content ...

Expert Tips from Splunk Professional Services, Ensuring Compliance, and More New ...

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Observability Release Update: AI Assistant, AppD + Observability Cloud Integrations & ...

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