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Product Update, December 2022 (v22.12)

Product Update, December 2022 (v22.12)

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In December, releases include the 22.12 versions of AppDynamics Cloud, various Agents, and the AppDynamics SaaS Controller.

In this article…

What’s new in this month’s feature enhancements?

What’s new? The following release highlights include the newest features and capabilities for December 2022. Check out the table below to see who in your organization may be most interested in or impacted by each highlighted enhancement.

AppDynamics Cloud
Cloud Infrastructure and Troubleshooting  
Kubernetes Infrastructure and Troubleshooting  
Service-oriented Investigations: Business Transactions and traces
App Root Cause Analysis using Anomaly Detection
Cluster Agent  
Flutter Agent
iOS Agent    
Java Agent  
Machine Agent  
.NET Agent  
PHP Agent    
SaaS Controller
Analytics: IBL usage details shown by default  
Alert and Respond  

NOTE | Product enhancements are described in detail, and on an ongoing basis, on the respective documentation portal pages:
AppDynamics Cloud Release Notes
AppDynamics (CSaaS) Release Notes
AppDynamics Accounts Portal Release Notes

AppDynamics Cloud Highlights

NOTE | See the complete AppDynamics Cloud Release Notes in our documentation portal.

Cloud infrastructure and troubleshooting

Leveraging Container Insights, AppDynamics Cloud now collects AWS Elastic Container Services (ECS) metrics. (GA v22.12, Released December 15, 2022)

Service-oriented investigations Business Transaction Insights are now available giving you more granular insights into the services running your business, as well as deeper additional trace data details which help to reduce the time for root cause analysis.
Read more about it in our recent blog post, AppDynamics turns cloud native chaos into business context (GA v22.12, Released December 15, 2022)

App root cause analysis using Anomaly Detection You can now enable Anomaly Detection for services and service instances within the UI, enabling you to leverage ML to help bring anomalies to light before they cause serious performance issues. (GA v22.12, Released December 15, 2022)

Agent Update Highlights

NOTE | See the full 22.12 Release Notes for a complete, ongoing, and sortable list of Agent enhancements

Cluster Agent

Applications are now re-instrumented automatically after the deployment rollout. (GA v22.12.0, Released December 23, 2022)

Flutter Agent

Enhancements include a crash reporting improvement, where exceptions and errors are grouped and then separated into different categories in the Controller UI. Along with this improved organization, bug fixes were included. (Released December 6, 2022)

iOS Agent

AppDynamics iOS Agent now includes support for the clearAllUserData API. See Customize the iOS Instrumentation in the documentation portal.

In addition, network request beacons are now sent in batches— a requirement for OpenTelemetry.

OCHamcrest has been upgraded to version 9.0.

(GA v22.12.0, Released December 7, 2022)

Java Agent

Messaging Hub’s PooledJMS is now supported along with support for JBoss EAP, JBoss Wildfly, Spring Integration, Spring Web Services, and Spring Webflux. See Message Oriented Middleware Support and Java Agent OpenTelemetry Framework Support respectfully for more details. (GA v22.12.0, Released December 22, 2022)

Machine Agent

Support for predefined tags from Microsoft Azure and custom tags defined in Azure VMs for Linux and Windows. See Server Tagging for more details.

Additionally, Machine Agent Docker images in Debian and Alpine for non-root and root users are available. See Access Machine Agent Docker Images for more details.
(GA v22.12.0, Released December 21, 2022)

.NET Agent

.NET Agent version is now sent as part of the registration request. The snapshot investigation is also now reported. Some bug fixes were included. (GA v22.12.0, Released December 6, 2022)

PLEASE NOTE | .NET 22.12.0 is the last version that will support .NET Core 3.1. See the End of Support Notice.

PHP Agent

PHP 8.1 is now supported. See PHP Supported Environments in the documentation portal. (GA v22.12.0, Released December 7, 2022)

SaaS Controller Enhancement Highlights


Infrastructure-based Licensing (IBL) usage details are now shown by default on the Configuration page. To hide IBL usage details, set the CONFIG_EXCLUDE_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_USAGE flag to false. See Collect Transaction Analytics Data. (GA v22.12, Released December 21, 2022)

Alert and Respond

When you configure action suppression for servers, you can now select object scope by servers (all, within specified subgroups, matching from given criteria) and server subgroups (all subgroups, specified subgroups). (GA v22.12, Released December 21, 2022)

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What else should you know?

End of Support Notices

Following are the most recent and upcoming end-of-support notices. For a complete list, see the End of Support Notices page in the documentation portal.

  • .NET Core 3.1 has been depreciated as of December 13, 2022. Therefore, customers can upgrade to .NET 5 or later, according to the Microsoft support cycle policy (See .NET and .NET Core Support Policy). The last AppDynamics .NET Agent to support .NET 3.1 is 22.12.0.

  • Cordova Plugin will start deprecation in January 2023, with only security updates and high-priority bug fixes subsequently released. Cordova plugin will no longer be supported as of January 2024.


Year-end moderation schedule on Community

In case you missed our post, the AppDynamics Community will be moderated on a modified schedule starting Friday, December 23, 2022. We will return to our normal schedule on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. See our post for the schedule as well as Support, Security, and self-help resources.

TIP | You’ll find this post pinned to the top of News & Announcements. You can also receive update notifications by clicking the 3-dot options menu, on the top right side of the post 

University 2022 recap

See University’s December product update in News & Announcements for a summary of the latest new courses, as well as a list of the year’s accomplishments, by the numbers.

This month’s new courses include the following (See the recap for direct catalog links).
Premium, Self-paced: (1)Collect MRUM Custom User Data, (2)Configure SAP Transaction Snapshots to Include Call Graphs
Premium, On-premises: (1)Change Controller Data Directory, (2)Update the Controller License File
Standard, Self-paced: (1)Use Service Principals to Connect to AppDynamics Cloud APIs (AppDynamics Cloud)

Updates to the University Group area here in Community

AppDynamics University’s new blog University Updates is where you can follow news about specific course offerings and other AppDynamics education news.

TIP | If you subscribed to University content here in the past (e.g., Instructor spotlight interview series, new product posts, etc), you’ll want to refresh your subscription so you continue to receive post updates. Go to University Updates, and pick the label you want from the right rail, then click “Subscribe” from the banner. Or navigate to a single post and subscribe using the 3-dot Option menu. 

Changes on the AppDynamics Documentation Portal

Have you checked out AppDynamics’ Documentation portal’s recently simplified structure? It’s now organized by product line, so you can hone in on documentation for one of our products, such as the AppDynamics APM platform or AppDynamics Cloud, and access the pages most relevant to you. Stay tuned for continued evolution in the new year.

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Resolved issues

See the complete lists of resolved Issues in AppDynamics Cloud Release Notes and AppDynamics (CSaaS) Release Notes.

The following key issues were resolved this month. 

DOTNET-6431 Bootstrap changes causing Access violation leading to a crash.
DOTNET-6444 FileNotFound Exception during app init due to bootstrap changes.
DOTNET-6470 Agent crashing instrumented app with Custom data collector.
LIC-3056 Licensing is producing negative maxDailyDocuments for the Events Service.
STUDIO-4883 Disable sort on "Shared" column in "Custom Dashboard" list.
WEBSRV-870 Vulnerability in java proxy flagged by Rapid7 tool.

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PLANNING AN UPGRADE? | Please check backward compatibility in the Agent and Controller Compatibility documentation as part of your upgrade planning process

Download Essential Components
(Agents, Enterprise Console, Controller (on-prem), Events Service, EUM Components)

Download Additional Components (SDKs, Plugins, etc.)

How do I get started upgrading my AppDynamics components for any release?

Product Announcements, Alerts, and Hot Fixes

Open Source Extensions

License Entitlements and Restrictions

Introducing AppDynamics Cloud


Community’s regular moderation schedule
will resume Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Find the details here

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Version history
Last update:
‎12-22-2022 03:44 PM
Updated by: