I collect my vpc logs using the aws addon :
I can see the data in my index.
but my dashboards in the aws app on the vpc logs do not populate : vpc_flow_logs_traffic and vpc_flow_logs_security
look like the search is looking for data in index=aws_vpc_flow_logs
The problem was my custom index
Because my index was custom and not searched by default, the summary search didn't see my data.
The workaround was to edit the macro aws-vpc-flow-sourcetype to add the index list in a condition. "index=myvpclogs"
Then the summary searches are now able to see the data, and the dashboard populates.
Hi yannk,
I am stuck with exact same issue, could you please give the detail steps how you resolved this.
But I have not given any custom index name, I've chosen default as index. I able to query data in search but data is not populating in VPC security dashboards.
Where do I need change configurations?
Try changing summary searches with your default index.
Have you edited the macro to add the index in it as a condition ?
The workaround was to edit the macro aws-vpc-flow-sourcetype to add the index list in a condition. "index=myvpclogs"
The problem was my custom index
Because my index was custom and not searched by default, the summary search didn't see my data.
The workaround was to edit the macro aws-vpc-flow-sourcetype to add the index list in a condition. "index=myvpclogs"
Then the summary searches are now able to see the data, and the dashboard populates.