hi i want to know if it's possible tu put a search query on background in my dashboard thx
in my application i have two dashboard
A drilldown to B
th probelem is : i used a chart with stats count(vendor) by licence
i want to get all values of vendor.
but i can't use values(vendor) because the chart will not be correct.
when i click on my chart the drilldown redirect to my dashboard B when i list all vendor with her specification.
i'm thinking about a hidden search on the dashboard B to get the same search without stats count
and affect automatically values(vendor) on my new search on B.
that's my problem.
thx for you review ^^
Now I'm properly confused.
I think you are referring to the option in the Job dropdown in a typical search window that sends the job to background and then can email you when complete. But on a dashboard, no, you can not send to background. The only place I've seen that functionality is on the job dropdown during a running search.
If that assumption is correct then you could take this path: Open dashboard, click icon in the bottom left corner of the panel to open the job in search, then send job to background from the job dropdown.
You may want to elaborate your question and its context a bit more.