Hi all,
can i use Hunk App for MongoDB” to connect to mongoDB replica set? How?
Thank you
Yes, but the JDBC connection string is different for replica sets.
Try using the format described here:
I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
Does Hunk App for Mongo DB can be configured with "custom" jdbc url?
On the Splunk add-on I have the following:
Specifying MongoDB Provider
Once you have uploaded the app using 'Manage App' menu, a new app named 'MongoDB App' will be added in your list of installed apps. You need to specify the required MongoDB host details using 'Edit Provider' feature available under Virtual Indexes which can be found in Settings tab.
MongoDB Host details
MongoDB host details can be provided using 'vix.mongodb.host' property. Please note that this property can also be set in 'indexes.conf'.
eg. vix.mongodb.host = localhost:27017
Could I use somenting like "vix.mongodb.host = 1localhost:27017/TeamRoster?AuthMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1&LoadMetadataTable=true&ReplicaSet=TestSet" in your opinion?