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default search * being dispatched unintentionally


Hi Everyone,
Everything works as intended with this view including the radio selections. However, i'm having a problem with second search * being dispatched on top of the regular search module..

Is this because the radio module is a dispatch module? Can i stop the radio module from dispatching search *? If i take out the radio module the search * doesn't occur.

<module name="Button" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
 <param name="allowSoftSubmit">False</param>
 <param name="allowAutoSubmit">False</param>
            <param name="label">SUBMIT</param>   

            <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                <param name="name">DESCRIPTION</param>
                <param name="label">Description:</param>
                <param name="width">602px</param>

                <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                    <param name="name">EXPERIENCE</param>
                    <param name="label">EXPERIENCE</param>
                    <param name="width">602px</param>

                    <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                        <param name="name">TICKET</param>
                        <param name="label">Ticket:</param>
                        <param name="width">60px</param>

                        <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                            <param name="name">FLOW</param>
                            <param name="label">Flow:</param>
                            <param name="width">200px</param>

                        <module name="Radio" layoutPanel="panel_row2_col1" autoRun="false">
                                <param name="name">TEST</param>
                                <param name="staticRadios">
                                        <param name="label">TEST1</param>
                                        <param name="value">TEST1</param>
                                        <param name="label">TEST2</param>
                                        <param name="value">TEST2</param>
                                                        <module name="Search" layoutPanel="panel_row4_col1">
                                <param name="search">...
1 Solution


This is a bug in the Radio module. I'm sorry about the inconvenience and thank you for posting this.

I'll try and accelerate the next maintenance release so that it can happen this week. Subscribe to the release notes mailing list if you haven't already here -

PS. if are feeling a great excess of confidence, it is a single-character fix.
In sideview_utils/appserver/modules/Radio/Radio.js on line 75 you'll see:

requiresResults: function() {
    return (this.searchFields.length>=0);

it should be >0 and not >=0. Delete the "=", save the file and then either clear your browser cache or hit the bump button.

The bug makes the Radio module think it always has dynamic radios configured, and it makes it trigger a dispatch if there isn't already a dispatched search there.

View solution in original post


This is a bug in the Radio module. I'm sorry about the inconvenience and thank you for posting this.

I'll try and accelerate the next maintenance release so that it can happen this week. Subscribe to the release notes mailing list if you haven't already here -

PS. if are feeling a great excess of confidence, it is a single-character fix.
In sideview_utils/appserver/modules/Radio/Radio.js on line 75 you'll see:

requiresResults: function() {
    return (this.searchFields.length>=0);

it should be >0 and not >=0. Delete the "=", save the file and then either clear your browser cache or hit the bump button.

The bug makes the Radio module think it always has dynamic radios configured, and it makes it trigger a dispatch if there isn't already a dispatched search there.


Thank you sir!

0 Karma


Can you post the full XML, or email it to me at Thanks.
I don't think it can be the Radio button, since the Radio is configured only with staticRadios. However you're right it sounds pretty incriminating. I'm thinking that there will be some other detail in the overall view, not in the XML pasted here, that will shed a lot more light.

0 Karma

<view autoCancelInterval="1" decomposeIntentions="false" isPersistable="true" isSticky="true" isVisible="true" nativeObjectMode="viewconf" objectMode="SimpleDashboard" onunloadCancelJobs="true" template="dashboard.html" type="module">
    <module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
    <module name="SideviewUtils" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
    <module name="DashboardTitleBar" layoutPanel="viewHeader" />

    <module name="URLLoader" layoutPanel="viewHeader" autoRun="true">

        <module name="HTML" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
            <param name="html"><![CDATA[<b>Item:</b> $ERROR$ <br>&lt;br/&gt;<b>APP:</b> $APP$]]></param>

        <module name="Button" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
 <param name="allowSoftSubmit">False</param>
 <param name="allowAutoSubmit">False</param>
            <param name="label">SUBMIT</param>   

            <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                <param name="name">DESCRIPTION</param>
                <param name="label">Description:</param>
                <param name="width">602px</param>

                <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                    <param name="name">EXPERIENCE</param>
                    <param name="template">$EXPERIENCE$</param>
                    <param name="label">EXPERIENCE</param>
                    <param name="width">602px</param>

                    <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                        <param name="name">TICKET</param>
                        <param name="label">Ticket:</param>
                        <param name="width">60px</param>

                        <module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row3_col1">
                            <param name="name">FLOW</param>
                            <param name="label">Flow:</param>
                            <param name="width">200px</param>

                            <module name="ValueSetter">
                                <param name="name">WAIT</param>
                                <param name="value">Please wait...</param>

                                <module name="HTML" layoutPanel="panel_row4_col1">
                                    <param name="html"><![CDATA[<font color="green"><b>$WAIT$</b></font>]]></param>

                            <module name="Radio" layoutPanel="panel_row2_col1" autoRun="false">
                                <param name="name">IMPACT</param>
                                <param name="staticRadios">
                                        <param name="label">Impact</param>
                                        <param name="value">Impact</param>
                                        <param name="label">Ignore</param>
                                        <param name="value">No Impact</param>
                                        <param name="label">Monitor</param>
                                        <param name="value">Monitor</param>
                                        <param name="selected">true</param>
                                        <param name="label">Impact Pending Review</param>
                                        <param name="value">Impact Pending Review</param>
                                        <param name="label">Other</param>
                                        <param name="value">Other</param>


                                <!--appends token values to the lookup--> 
                                <module name="Search" layoutPanel="panel_row4_col1">

                                    <param name="search">
                                        <![CDATA[| stats count 
| eval ERROR=$ERROR$
| eval APP=$APP$ 
| eval ENTRY_DATE=now() | eval ENTRY_DATE=strftime(ENTRY_DATE,"%D %T")
| eval TICKET="$TICKET$" 
| eval FLOW="$FLOW$"
| join [| rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local | rename email AS WHO | fields WHO]
| outputlookup append=true known_errors.csv

                                    <module name="Table">

0 Karma
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