Hi there,
So I've first download the machine learning toolkit app but was not able to run the app due to this error:
Python for Scientific Computing is a Splunk Add-on that includes several Python libraries for scientific computing, including numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, and statsmodels. Several of the dashboards included in the Machine Learning Toolkit require these modules.
Please download and install the platform-specific version of this add-on that is appropriate for your Splunk Search Head:"
So I've download the correct add on Python for Scientific Computing but neither of the apps are working.
there are separate versions for linux, windows and macOS for that platform specific app. Have you download only that correct version? Also you must check that you have correct version of ML toolkit based on your Splunk version and OS version.
You must install the Python for Scientific Computing Add-on before installing the Machine Learning Toolkit. Please download and install the appropriate version here:
Linux 64-bit: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2882/
Linux 32-bit: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2884/
Windows 64-bit: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2883/
It also needs restarts after installations if I recall right?
What is your environment (OS, Splunk, SH vs. SHC, any premium apps etc.)?
r. Ismo