I've installed the twitter app as instructed. The app then requests the settings from twitter and these all work as I have tested them with the REST API. After clicking save on the twitter app, the browser spins and then states error Read Timeout.
This is what the web pages shows:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
From the log:
02-20-2015 11:47:40.517 -0500 ERROR HttpClientRequest - HTTP client error: Read Timeout (while accessing
I had the same issue with my local installation of Splunk Enterprise 6.4.1 x64 running on Windows 10 x64.
The problem occurred when the twitter2 app reloads the page:
WARN LocalAppsAdminHandler - User 'admin' triggered the '_reload' action on app 'twitter2', and the following objects required a restart: restart_on_install
ERROR HttpClientRequest - HTTP client error: Read Timeout (while accessing
What worked for me was to change the default appServerPorts in Splunk\etc\system\default\web.conf from 8065 to 0.
# list of ports to start python application servers on (although usually
# one port is enough) Set to 0 to instead run the application server
# directly as the web front end on 'httpport', separate from splunkd.
appServerPorts = 0
Hope it helps.
Try to increase the sessionTimeOut in web.conf
Default is of 30 sec.
Try it to increase to 60 sec or accordingly. In my case it worked fine.