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Website Monitoring in the cloud - Failed install? Can't create inputs.


I installed Website Monitoring in Splunkcloud via self service last night. All went well, but when attempting to add a website to ping it just refuses to take the site, any site, ie google. No error, just says 1 site (the only site) not added. There is also no inputs as expected under “Add Data” (Data inputs >> Website Availability Check... it's just not there.) and the link from the first page to add data gets a 404. I don't have command line access, but I did do all the searches suggested on the troubleshooting page. No love.

Anyone have any suggestion before I uninstall and use SiteScope or SCOM?

0 Karma


This sounds an issue with capabilities. There is likely one that is required which is why Splunk isn't showing the "Website Availability Check" on the "Data Inputs" page.

Could you start by verifying that you account has the following capabilities:

  • edit_modinput_web_ping
  • input_web_ping edit_tcp
  • list_inputs

Can you also check to see if Splunk will let you create other types of inputs from the "Data inputs" page?

0 Karma


Hi Luke, Thanks for the quick response.
I'm using an Admin account, so it has pretty much everything. I don't see an "edit_mod", but I do have an "edit_mudinput_web_ping" which I get from the Power user.
Yes, I've created many inputs with this ID. BTW, this is a Splunk cloud instance. We tested on a onprem hybrid that, besides non-admins not being able to add sites, worked great.

0 Karma


@jameswatts: sorry, edit_mod should have been edit_modinput_web_ping.

This is really strange. I tested this on an local install that was configured to act like cloud and it worked fine for me. I might see if I can get an actual Cloud install and see if it works differently.

0 Karma


I'd offer you one of mine, but... ;^) If I can help in any way, please let me know.

0 Karma
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