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VMWare App Performance Data

Path Finder

Hi community,

I don't get any performance data from my VirtualCenter Server (for example sourcetype="vmware:perf" source="ClusterComputeResourcePerf")
I don't have any problems to get the perf data from the esx-hosts

Here is my engine.conf definition for the vc server:


url = https://vc-server/sdk/webService

host =

username = esxsplunksvc

password = xxxxxxxxxxxx

action = PerfDiscovery

perfManagedEntityWhitelist = ClusterComputeResource
(when I comment it out, then there are still no perf data)

The other action tasks gather all the data for the vc-server: HierarchyDiscovery,TimeDiscovery,InventoryDiscovery,TaskDiscovery,EventDiscovery
So I don't think there is a connection or authorization problem.

Could someone please run the following statement and tell me, if there is ClusterComputeResourcePerf in your source list?

index=vmware sourcetype="vmware:perf" | stats count by source

For developers:
there problem is somewhere in in row 1364
after "my $soap_session = ReadSubKeys($discovery, "->Status->Conn->vim_service->vim_soap->user_agent->cookie_jar->COOKIES->${host}->/->vmware_soap_session");"
the variable $soap_session is undefined. When I test the program with an esx-host, then it works and the $soap_session variable is set.


0 Karma


In our test environment, we do have this ClusterComputeResourcePerf source from vc4.1 and vc5.1.

1 » 2/22/13
2:15:00.000 AM

2013-02-21 18:15:00 UTC, fa=bt,vc=vc4, vmoid=domain-c1284,meid="vc-4521FD10-9C19-45E4-BA15-F7AFF71A92FF:domain-c1284", moname=Test, perftype=mem, AvgVmctl_KB=0.00, AvgConsum_KB=0.00, AvgOvrhd_KB=0.00, AvgUsg_pct=0.00, perftype=mem
host=vc4pw Options| sourcetype=vmware:perf Options| source=ClusterComputeResourcePerf Options
2 » 2/22/13
1:20:00.000 AM

2013-02-21 17:20:00 UTC, fa=bt,vc=vc5, vmoid=domain-c72,meid="vc-16C04DD2-4B51-4721-9FE3-338F5F443E9E:domain-c72", moname=cl5pw, perftype=mem, AvgVmctl_KB=0.00, AvgConsum_KB=97987861.00, AvgCap.Entitle_KB=94567705.00, AvgTot_mb=180456.00, AvgCap.Usg_KB=24005321.00, AvgOvrhd_KB=1350884.00, AvgUsg_pct=49.35, perftype=mem
host=vc5pw Options| sourcetype=vmware:perf Options| source=ClusterComputeResourcePerf Options

So, can you please check if you can see those counters from vCenter?

For the issue you mentioned above "ReadSubKeys($discovery, "->Status->Conn->vim_service->vim_soap->user_agent->cookie_jar->COOKIES->${host}->/->vmware_soap_session");", the reason is the ${host} is "vc-server". But, the HTTP::Cookie::add_cookie_header does:
$domain = "$domain.local" unless $domain =~ /./;

So, the correct path to get soap_session for short name server is,
"my $soap_session = ReadSubKeys($discovery, "->Status->Conn->vim_service->vim_soap->user_agent->cookie_jar->COOKIES->${host}.local->/->vmware_soap_session");"

This is a known issue in 1.0.1 release note, and it is fixed in later version. Thanks.

0 Karma


Thanks for the investigation. Please upgrade to newer version and it will be resolved.

The problem is, as you mentioned, the VMware SDK appends ".local" after the regular host name when the url field is a short name server (no "." in the first element in url, such as, "vc-server" in your case).

You can quickly workaround this issue if you use the full server name (such as, url= in your case).

Path Finder

That's unfortunately not the solution for the problem.
But we plan to upgrade to esx 5.1, so I will wait, if the problem goes away after that 🙂

Thank you for your support!

0 Karma
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