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Using Status Indicator Visualization with no events found (count should be set to 0 instead of NULL)


I am using the following query to create a visualization that turns green if there are events, and if there are no events the background turns red.

| stats count by server
| eval server="SERVER-1", color=if(count<=0, '#dc4e41", "#65a637"),icon=if(count<=0,"times-circle","check-circle")
| table server icon color count

The visualization works correctly when there are events found (the background is green with a check icon).
However, when there are no events found, a message appears that says "No results found. Try expanding the time range."

Instead of "No results found" I would like count to be set to 0 which will make the background turn to red and make the icon change.
How do I make it so count is set to 0 so that the values for color and icon change to red and "times-circle"?

When there are no events I need count to be set to 0 instead of null

0 Karma
1 Solution

Super Champion

Hi @brandonbachman,
as per solution from @woodcock -
Add this to the bottom of your search SPL string:

 | appendpipe [stats count | where count=0]

View solution in original post

Super Champion

Hi @brandonbachman,
as per solution from @woodcock -
Add this to the bottom of your search SPL string:

 | appendpipe [stats count | where count=0]

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Hello @493669 ,

Im running into the same issue with the 0 value. Not sure what im doing wrong. I tried your suggestion but that didnt work for me.

Original query without your suggestion:

<query><basic query> error_field="*CRASHED*"
 | rex field=error_field "<error field content extracted with rex command>"
| stats count AS crashed_count BY app_name,org_name,space_name,name,crash_reason
| rangemap field=crashed_count #65a637=0-0 #F93208=1-9 #f58f39=10-99 #d93f3c=100-10000 default=#65a637
| rename range as range_color
| rangemap field=crashed_count ambulance=0-0 optin-monster=1-9 warning=10-99 stethoscope=100-10000 default=ambulance
| rename range as range_icon
| table crashed_count range_icon range_color</query>


With your suggestion:

<query><basic query> error_field="*CRASHED*"
 | rex field=error_field "<error_field content extracted with rex command>"
| stats count AS crashed_count BY app_name,org_name,space_name,name,crash_reason
| rangemap field=crashed_count #65a637=0-0 #F93208=1-9 #f58f39=10-99 #d93f3c=100-10000 default=#65a637
| rename range as range_color
| rangemap field=crashed_count ambulance=0-0 optin-monster=1-9 warning=10-99 stethoscope=100-10000 default=ambulance
| rename range as range_icon
| table crashed_count range_icon range_color
| appendpipe [stats count | where crashed_count=0]</query>


0 Karma


That worked, thank you!

0 Karma
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