We're monitoring a large number of RHEL boxes with the Unix App, and I notice that on some in the df sourcetype the MountedOn=/tmp information does not get forwarded. I think this depends on what filesystem /tmp is a part of - perhaps the unix App's implementation of df ignores some filesystems?
I'm looking at the df.py code in the 'nix TA. Over here: splunk-app-for-unix-and-linux_510.tgz\splunk_app_for_nix\install\Splunk_TA_nix\bin\df.py
if [ "x$KERNEL" = "xLinux" ] ; then
assertHaveCommand df
CMD='df -TPh'
FILTER_POST='($2 ~ /^(tmpfs)$/) {next}'
Yes, the FILTER_POST is filtering /tmpfs
Lines 22 - 25. FIlter post is used in the AWK command on lines 73 & 74.
The tmp filesystem is apparently filtered for all the versions of 'nix that the app supports. You can tell by viewing the code when the kernel matches sunOS on line 39 for example.
As I have no idea if this was requested by the community or just what the developer chose to do, I'd make edits as needed and document the changes in an SOP and link it to the build & upgrade documentation i maintained.
Yes, I think if needed we can hand-edit that on the few servers where it matters.
I'm looking at the df.py code in the 'nix TA. Over here: splunk-app-for-unix-and-linux_510.tgz\splunk_app_for_nix\install\Splunk_TA_nix\bin\df.py
if [ "x$KERNEL" = "xLinux" ] ; then
assertHaveCommand df
CMD='df -TPh'
FILTER_POST='($2 ~ /^(tmpfs)$/) {next}'
Yes, the FILTER_POST is filtering /tmpfs
Lines 22 - 25. FIlter post is used in the AWK command on lines 73 & 74.
The tmp filesystem is apparently filtered for all the versions of 'nix that the app supports. You can tell by viewing the code when the kernel matches sunOS on line 39 for example.
As I have no idea if this was requested by the community or just what the developer chose to do, I'd make edits as needed and document the changes in an SOP and link it to the build & upgrade documentation i maintained.