Hi Splunkers,
I've looked through the docs section but found very little info for using the DC Connect App to get IBM TSM/Spectrum Protect (db2) database info into Splunk. In the lab environment with full-access it works, but for production we only get limited acces to the database, which should be enough to query some tables. Only when trying to define a new input, the gui throws me a 'cannot get schemas' error. I know I need the 'TSMDB1' schema, so I don't need the dropdownbox to be populated with other system schema's.
I thought about manually editting the conf files, but that's not how our regular procedures work and there is some risk I might miss some check or warnings and it's an extra pain maintaining.
We have DB Connect 3.2.0 with driver version 4.23, TSM server version is 8.1.7
The dbx error in splunk log is SQLCode 551, SQLState 42501 Execute SYSIBM.SQLTABLES, Unable to get schemas metadata