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Statistical anomalies searches


I am running two different searches (Last 7 days) to determine the statistical anomalies for HTTP POSTS within 1 minute. basically looking for any potential anomalous posts that are making past the WAF. The first search uses ML and is as follows:

| bucket _time span=1m
| stats count by _time src
| eventstats avg("count") as avg stdev("count") as stdev by "src"
| eval lowerBound=(avg-stdev*exact(2)), upperBound=(avg+stdev*exact(2))
| eval isOutlier=if('count' < lowerBound OR 'count' > upperBound, 1, 0) | splitby("src")
| fields _time, src, "count", lowerBound, upperBound, isOutlier
| where isOutlier=1

The second search is looking for Z scores:

| bucket _time span=1m
| stats count by _time src website
| eventstats mean("count") AS mean_count, stdev("count") AS stdev_count
| eval Z_score=round(((count-mean_count)/stdev_count),2)
| where Z_score>1.5 OR Z_score<-1.5
| table _time, src, website, count, mean_count, Z_score
| sort -Z_score

Comparing the results of both searches returns different external IPs. Out of a total of 111 distinct IPs, only 12 IPs overlap between the two searches.

The first question I have is are both searches an apple to apple comparison? The second question I have is, is one search more valid than the other, or is running both searches and looking for IPs that overlap a more concise way to evaluate the statistical anomalies for HTTP posts by external IPs?


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You have the approach mostly correct but I see a few issues.

First, you need to determine what explanatory variables need to be fed into your target function. If your data follows a cyclic type pattern then most likely _time will be your strongest explanatory variable. Assuming your data is cyclic, you will need to establish a baseline over certain time periods then calculate your boundaries.

Next, you're going to want to make this scalable, so running sub-searches is out of the question. A better approach would be to feed the data into a summary index so you have a 1 day baseline in advance and you can then run a 5-10 minute populating search which will overlay that baseline. This can then trigger visual and email alerts anytime your actual values fall out of "normal"

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My name is Anam Siddique and I am the Community Content Specialist for Splunk Answers. Please accept the answer if the solution provided by @skoelpin worked for you. We have awesome users who contribute and it would be great if the community can benefit from their answer plus they can get credit/points for their work!


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