I have a requirement in new app being build using add-on builder create a input parameter called choose index. This parameter should show the list of avalable indexes from which an user selects one index.
I don't see this option in Splunk Add-on builder helper functions. However, Splunk doc does show such option in a picture just above the section called Pass values from data input parameters
Another pic from an add-on which have this feature
Can anyone help me on this please?
I think this might help you. Use a query to populate in the dropdown, like given in the answers in the link below.
Sorry AoB havent supported this feature yet. Currently you have to hardcode values for a dropdown component in UI, rather than getting indexers during run-time by some Python codes.
Thanks for the update chli_splunk.
I do see that the option of drop down list of index is not available for the section Alert Actions. But it is there in Data Collection of AoB
Hard-coding index values doesn't serve the purpose as client will add/remove indexes in future. Meanwhile I added a new global text field called Index. Client is okay with this approach.
Ramesh Babu