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Splunk For loop

Path Finder

Hi Experts,

Below is the JSON format input of my data, I want to fetch LoadBalancer name from metric_dimensions fields, but the position of Load balancer is differ in both field.

I don't know how to create for loop with break in SPL, please suggest how I achieve this.

{ [-]
Average: 0.5441528732026144
Maximum: 14.997758
Minimum: 0.000371
SampleCount: 1530
Sum: 832.553896
Unit: Seconds
account_id: 522995424064
metric_dimensions: LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
metric_name: TargetResponseTime
period: 300
timestamp: 2019-12-05T01:25:00Z

{ [-]
Average: 0.6173158354037267
Maximum: 10.601669
Minimum: 0.000397
SampleCount: 644
Sum: 397.551398
Unit: Seconds
account_id: 522995424064
metric_dimensions: AvailabilityZone=[ap-northeast-1d],LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX],TargetGroup=[targetgroup/preprod-portals-perf-443/aXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
metric_name: TargetResponseTime
period: 300
timestamp: 2019-12-05T01:25:00Z

Tags (2)
0 Karma

Ultra Champion
| makeresults 
| eval raw="[{\"Average\": 0.5441528732026144,
\"Maximum\": 14.997758,
\"Minimum\": 0.000371,
\"SampleCount\": 1530,
\"Sum\": 832.553896,
\"Unit\": \"Seconds\",
\"account_id\": 522995424064,
\"metric_dimensions\": \"LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]\",
\"metric_name\": \"TargetResponseTime\",
\"period\": 300,
\"timestamp\": \"2019-12-05T01:25:00Z\"},
{\"Average\": 0.6173158354037267,
\"Maximum\": 10.601669,
\"Minimum\": 0.000397,
\"SampleCount\": 644,
\"Sum\": 397.551398,
\"Unit\": \"Seconds\",
\"account_id\": 522995424064,
\"metric_dimensions\": \"AvailabilityZone=[ap-northeast-1d],LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX],TargetGroup=[targetgroup/preprod-portals-perf-443/aXXXXXXXXXXXXX]\"
\"metric_name\": \"TargetResponseTime\",
\"period\": 300,
\"timestamp\": \"2019-12-05T01:25:00Z\"}]"
| spath input=raw 
| mvexpand {}.Average
| streamstats count
| foreach {}.*
    [| rename <<FIELD>> as <<MATCHSTR>>
    | eval <<MATCHSTR>> = if(mvcount('<<MATCHSTR>>')=1,'<<MATCHSTR>>',mvindex('<<MATCHSTR>>',count - 1))   ]
| eval _raw=metric_dimensions
| kv
| fields - _* , raw
| eval source="ApplicationELB"
| table source metric_dimensions LoadBalancer Average Unit

Hi, folks.
streamstats and foreach are useful.

Esteemed Legend

I just bookmarked it.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Thank you very much @woodcock.

I look forward to working with you.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Any time. What do you have cooking?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

JSON etc...

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

This is a GREAT answer.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

You should be able to add | spath to your search and get all of your fields (also try eval foo=spath()) but if it is not valid JSON, try this:

| makeresults 
|  eval raw="Fee Fie Fo Fum {Average: 0.5441528732026144
Maximum: 14.997758
Minimum: 0.000371
SampleCount: 1530
Sum: 832.553896
Unit: Seconds
account_id: 522995424064
metric_dimensions: LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
metric_name: TargetResponseTime
period: 300
timestamp: 2019-12-05T01:25:00Z
} foo bar bat:::Fee Fie Fo Fum {Average: 0.6173158354037267
Maximum: 10.601669
Minimum: 0.000397
SampleCount: 644
Sum: 397.551398
Unit: Seconds
account_id: 522995424064
metric_dimensions: AvailabilityZone=[ap-northeast-1d],LoadBalancer=[app/nonprod-web-in-alb/bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX],TargetGroup=[targetgroup/preprod-portals-perf-443/aXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
metric_name: TargetResponseTime
period: 300
timestamp: 2019-12-05T01:25:00Z
} foo bar bat"
| makemv delim=":::" raw
| mvexpand raw
| rename raw AS _raw

| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex mode=sed "s/.*{Average:/Average:{/ s/}.*/}/"
| kv
0 Karma

Path Finder

This is a valid JSON, generated by AWS Cloudwatch.

I am using the below SPL:
| spath path=SampleCount
| spath path=metric_dimensions
| spath path=metric_name
| spath path=timestampe
| search source = "*ApplicationELB" AND metric_name= TargetResponseTime | where Average > 0.3 | eval LoadBalancer = mvindex(split(metric_dimensions,","), 1) | table source metric_dimensions LoadBalancer Average Unit

But using above SPL LoadBalancer are populate empty for some events, because I pass 1 in mvindex, so do you now any way to iterate in the output of split function ?

0 Karma


@arun_kant_sharma, instead of using mvindex/split use split to create a multivalue field and mvfilter to get the LoadBalancer wherever it is:

| spath path=SampleCount
| spath path=metric_dimensions
| spath path=metric_name
| spath path=timestampe
| search source = "*ApplicationELB" AND metric_name= TargetResponseTime | where Average > 0.3 | eval LoadBalancer = mvfilter(match(split(metric_dimensions,","),"LoadBalancer") | table source metric_dimensions LoadBalancer Average Unit

0 Karma
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