Trying to adopt the example table row expansion from Dashboard examples app. In the example a chartview is used which I've replaced with a tableview. The row expansion only seems to work correctly the first time then not after that. Example is where expanded data spans > 1 page. The prev/next page buttons work the first time but if another row is expanded after that they no longer work. The same issue applies using a hyperlink (the link works on the first expansion only).
Sample js from Dashboard Examples using tableview.
var EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer = TableView.BaseRowExpansionRenderer.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
// initialize will run once, so we will set up a search and a chart to be reused.
this._searchManager = new SearchManager({
id: 'details-search-manager',
preview: false
this._chartView = new TableView({
managerid: 'details-search-manager',
'charting.legend.placement': 'none'
canRender: function(rowData) {
// Since more than one row expansion renderer can be registered we let each decide if they can handle that
// data
// Here we will always handle it.
return true;
render: function($container, rowData) {
// rowData contains information about the row that is expanded. We can see the cells, fields, and values
// We will find the sourcetype cell to use its value
var sourcetypeCell = _(rowData.cells).find(function (cell) {
return cell.field === 'sourcetype';
//update the search with the sourcetype that we are interested in
this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index=_internal earliest=-1m latest=now sourcetype=' + sourcetypeCell.value + ' | timechart count'});
// $container is the jquery object where we can put out content.
// In this case we will render our chart and add it to the $container
var tableElement = mvc.Components.getInstance("expand_with_events");
tableElement.getVisualization(function(tableView) {
// Add custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically.
tableView.addRowExpansionRenderer(new EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer());
@t183194 Did you get the solution for this problem? I am facing the exact same problem with table row expansion having data scattered over different pages.
Hello, @rshah_splunk I actually need help on a similar kind of problem, Is it possible to have a two-level of row expansions.
You can try replacing line 21-24 in your code with the below contents.
this._chartView = new TableView({
managerid: 'details-search-manager',
count: 10,
dataOverlayMode: "none",
drilldown: "none",
rowNumbers: "false",
wrap: "true",
This worked for me...!
Hi. Thanks for the idea but the issue occurs after the initial expansion. Subsequent collapses/expansions work ok but the next/prev page & hyperlink functions don't work after the initial expansion.
Its working for me actually. Only sort is not working for me.