Current SQL Query:
FROM "vxex"."dbaex"."Example_Log_View"
WHERE [Event Time] > ?
ORDER BY [Event Time] ASC
I am having some issues with log duplication on one of my inputs... The SQL Query I have executes, but It gives me a warning on Step 4 within my Rising Input Option:
I am not too versed in Splunk DB Connect.. I believe it may be the space in the Event Time Column name.. But put [] around it to mitigate that.. As it still runs to step 5.
What I do see is the Checkpoint Value of 01/01/1970... And here are some Examples of the Event Time that comes through from the SQL Query:
2023-04-20 10:02:30.87
2023-04-20 10:03:23.783
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this issue to resolve step 4 to run properly?