We have a very complex query that creates temp tables and declares variable. We can execute the SQL in Splunk and it returns the correct results but it will not allow us to save the SQL. Is there any way to work around using temp tables with DB connect inputs?
It would help to know what database. If it’s one of the DBs that DBX supports for stored procedures, you could wrap all of your logic in a stored proc, then call that from DBX.
It would help to know what database. If it’s one of the DBs that DBX supports for stored procedures, you could wrap all of your logic in a stored proc, then call that from DBX.
MS SQL 2012 is our Database. In the previous version we tried a simple exec sp_who but DBConnect would not accept that as an input. Does DBConnect now support running stored procedures as inputs?
@tmuth We are still having this issue where the stored procedures are returning no results when they use temp tables. We are running Splunk version 7.0.0 and DB 3.0. Any advice?
I am also having this problem.. the db_connect_server log says "A processing error "Invalid object name"
Yes, DBX 3.x supports stored procedures. I’m mobile or I would send a direct link to the doc for it.
Thanks. I retired a simple stored procedure and I was able to save it as an input. We will experiment more with a more completed stored procedure.