When I launch the CIsco UCS application, I am taken to the Manage Cisco UCS Managers view, but the + Add Managers button is grayed out and not selectable. I have restarted splunk, button still not available????
We were already on 7.X when I installed. I have an open case with Splunk and they acknowledge the issue. Ticket has been open nearly a month with no resolution. The application documentation should be updated to reflect that it is not supported in version 7.
Agreed. I too opened up a post to see if it gets more attention. Looks like there is a bug in the script loader: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/623727/splunk-cisco-ucs-add-on-missing-navbar-and-non-fun.html
I was looking through the documentation...
2015-12-27 ADDON-6908 Unable to add a UCS manager (the button is greyed out) after installing add-on.
Looks like the problem is back
Did you by chance upgrade to Splunk 7.x ? I did and looks like im missing the navbar in the app as well 😞