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Splunk App for Web Analytics: http_user_agent missing for browsers in compatibility mode


Fields such as ua_family and ua_major are showing up as unknown for browsers operating in compatibility mode.
I've tried updating the Python code from the TA-user-agents app, which appears to be what's in the /bin directory, minus the regexes.json file, and still no luck.

How can I get the app to recognize browsers working in compatibility mode?

The raw data has the information, but the lookup doesn't.

New Member

You can also use for the yaml validator as well as yaml converter to json,csv,xml,base64 also for beautify and minify YAML.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Update on the previous answer. The app uses the json version of the yaml file. It is called regexes.json and can be found in the folder

You can convert the regexes.yaml file found here:

into json format and then copy it to that folder to update the the signatures for the user agents.

I used this service to make the conversion:


Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Download the latest version of the parser from there:

Install it locally and then copy the file "regexes.yaml" that is created after install to the SplunkAppForWebAnalytics/bin/ua_parser folder.

There is also a copy of this file on the github page that you can use directly:

Let me know how you get along.


0 Karma


You might also check out WURFL InSight for Splunk. It automatically parses the UA string to detect the device and its capabilities. It works with an always-updated library of devices and their capabilities.

You will need a license to get it up and running, but it will simplify your life incredibly if you are looking for mobile device analytics.

Get a license or inquiry here:

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi Lazarix

Can you double check that the field http_user_agent is present in the events where the browser is in compatibility mode? Might be the issue.

I believe you should be able to get around it by updating the the ua-parser. you can get the latest version from github from source:

Let me know how you get along.


0 Karma


Unfortunately, adding the python version of that code now breaks it and doesn't show browser or operating system information in the audience dashboard

0 Karma


I've re-installed the app and set it up from default and the data is now working again. Browsers still showing up as unknown for those working in compatibility mode.

I've updated the UA-Parser from the github link, but no change.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Same for me as well, we are trying to update the web-analytics app due to the large amount of "unknown" browsers being returned in the app dashboards. Has anyone figured out how to successfully update ua_parser in Splunk?

0 Karma


The http_user_agent field does show browsers in compatibility mode, so yes the events are showing for that field.

0 Karma


Hi Jbjerke, thanks for replying. Is it the PHP ua-parser? as there are parsers for every kind of code type on there.


0 Karma


actually, thinking about it, it's probably the python one.

0 Karma
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