I am trying to set up the Splunk App for VMware
I installed the DCN from the .ova, installed the VMware app on my indexer/search head.
Credentials are correct, green ticks everywhere.
But when I run the scheduler, I get error messages from the hydraworker:
ERROR [ta_vmware_collection_scheduler://puff] [HydraWorkerNode] Incorrect number of heads=3 on node=https://XXX:8089, actual_heads=2, trying to bring number up to correct value
The value for actual_heads is sometimes different (0, 1, or 2)
No matter what value I set at "worker processes" for the DCN, I always get these errors and no data is coming in at all.
Do you have any idea what could cause this problem? Is number of heads the number of CPU cores allocated to the virtual machine DCN?
The number of worker process should be set to , # of cpu cores - 1
Is your Data Collection Node added as DCN from multiple schedulers? Or is it acting as DCN for multiple apps?
Only 1 DCN, 1 scheduler and only VMWare app.