Splunk App for Infrastructure data collection on Search Head
Search Head 7.3.0
Indexer 7.3.0
collectd -> localhost udp port 5000 -> indexer (via system/local/outputs.conf)
So data flows from collectd to localhost udp port 5000, verified with tcpdump to include viewing data. Search Head forwards data to the Indexer. Indexer has Add-On as instructed in documentation but get the following error:
Metric value = unset is not valid for source=5000 sourcetype=em_metrics_udp. Metric event data with an invalid metric value would not be indexed. Ensure the input metric data is not malformed.
The solution of putting the Add-On on the Search Head itself was correct. Is that because the Search Head is basically acting like a glorified Heavy Forwarder? A little confused as to why the Search Head is performing any parsing in this regard. Thanks.
SII was for splunklight, it was not intended to be multi tenant, initially. SAI is an app for enterprise, but the setup UI still assume that you have single instance (SH/IDX all in one).
So when you are in an enterprise splunk deployment, read the docs :
You do not really want to send data to the SH , its a bottleneck, and HEC may not scale.
Instead move the ingest on the indexers.
So the answer was to install the Add-On on the Search Head itself, which makes me question my understanding of splunk data flow. Is the reason the Search Head needs the Add-On installed is because it is basically acting like a HF? Thanks for your help!
We expect to use the collectd setup script, that will send data over HEC to the indexers (and skip the UF)
the SAI app does not use UDP
collectd -> localhost udp port 5000 -> indexer (via system/local/outputs.conf)
If you send data over UDP, the format may not be recognized, as many transformations are done for the em_metrics sourcetypes.
we have UDP support in write_splunk.
Additional Error missing from original post:
Metric name is missing from source...Metric event data without metric name is invalid and would not be indexed. Ensure the input metric data is not malformed
Hostname "XXX"
FQDNLookup false
BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd"
PluginDir "/usr/lib64/collectd"
Interval 60
WriteQueueLimitHigh 1000000
WriteQueueLimitLow 800000
LoadPlugin logfile
FlushInterval 30
buffersize 9000
useudp true
udpport 5000
#data_type metric
#Dimension "entity_type:linux_host"
LoadPlugin cpu
LogLevel info
File "/var/log/collectd.log"
Timestamp true
PrintSeverity true
ReportByCpu false
ReportByState true
ValuesPercentage true
ValuesAbsolute false
ValuesPercentage true
FSType "ext2"
FSType "ext3"
FSType "ext4"
FSType "XFS"
FSType "rootfs"
FSType "overlay"
FSType "hfs"
FSType "apfs"
FSType "zfs"
FSType "ufs"
ReportByDevice true
ValuesAbsolute false
ValuesPercentage true
IgnoreSelected false
ReportRelative true
Disk ""
IgnoreSelected true
UdevNameAttr "DEVNAME"
IgnoreSelected true
host = XXX
disabled = 1
index = em_metrics
sourcetype = em_metrics_udp
no_appending_timestamp = true
disabled = false
index = _internal
collectd tcpdump
{time: 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.user", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 1.41780386351553, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.system", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0.293985801111308, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.wait", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0.00312750852246072, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.nice", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.interrupt", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.softirq", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0.00729751988574169, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.steal", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 0, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}{"time": 1573748903.05, "host": "XXX", "fields": {"metric_name": "cpu.idle", "metric_type": "cpu", "_value": 98.277785306965, "entity_type": "linix_host", "kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64", "os": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", "os_version": "7.7 (Maipo)", "ip": "XXX"}}
So my confusion is the metric name and metric value are in the event traffic, so why is the indexer throwing this error?
Thanks for the help.
you might need TA in SH as well if you are using that to forward data instead of UF.
This is the answer! Thank you.
What is the version of Splunk Add on for Infrastructure on your indexers?
Add-On and App are 2.0.0