I'm trying to ingest Cloudfront logs from an AWS. Currently they are dumped to an S3 bucket in the form of a .gz file.
The only data I'm getting returned is:
9:05:23.000 AM
#Version: 1.0
#Fields: date time x-edge-location sc-bytes c-ip cs-method cs(Host) cs-uri-stem sc-status cs(Referer) cs(User-Agent) cs-uri-query cs(Cookie) x-edge-result-type x-edge-request-id x-host-header cs-protocol cs-bytes time-taken x-forwarded-for ssl-protocol ssl-cipher x-edge-response-result-type
host = **Redacted**
source = s3://mybucketname/EL90IIKCKI7FS.2016-04-04-12.9f3c0869.gz
sourcetype = aws:cloudfront:accesslog
This is the result of the input being pointed at the root of the bucket.
However, if I point the input directly at the .gz file within the bucket, it will ingest it and i can see my access logs. This won't work long term because the logfile rolls regularly and spawns a new one.
Is there something I'm missing? Splunk seems to be aware that the .gz file exists when pointed at the root of the bucket, but it doesn't seem to be ingesting the file.
This documentation is not clear as to any parameters for aws_key
Can we get more information? Does it accept wildcards? should the path include a filename?
My understanding is that S3 does not use a Linux file system, so a lot of the directories etc. act differently. But I can't find any information on configuring it in the TA....
Im not able to search cloudfront logs.. There is no results. Below are my input.conf
aws_account = splunk_DEV
bucket_name = Mybucketname
bucket_region = us-east-1
host_name = s3.amazonaws.com
interval = 1800
log_file_prefix = cdn_logs
log_name_format = ABCDEFGH.%Y-%m-%d-
log_start_date = 2020-01-01
log_type = cloudfront:accesslogs
max_fails = 10000
max_retries = -1
sourcetype = aws:cloudfront:accesslogs
Sharing the stanza in inputs.conf will help.
1. Please make sure "Prefix" is configured correctly
2. Please make sure the datetime is configured correctly.
Thanks for your reply.
What should the prefix be?
Here is the stanza from input.conf:
aws_account = myawsaccount
bucket_name = mybucketname
character_set = auto
ct_blacklist = ^$
host_name = s3.amazonaws.com
index = aws
initial_scan_datetime = 1971-01-01T00:00:00Z
max_items = 100000
max_retries = 3
polling_interval = 60
recursion_depth = -1
sourcetype = aws:cloudfront:accesslogs
I think kchen is referring to the "S3 key prefix" which is the key_name parameter in the S3 input. Looking at your input.conf file, it does not appear you have this configured:
"The key prefix or full key name to scan for available files. The add-on searches all the objects in all directories under this key name. Leave blank to scan all files in the bucket."