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Splunk Add-on for IBM WAS: "Unable to initialize modular input "jmx" defined inside the app "Splunk_TA_jmx": Introspecting scheme=jmx: script running failed"

Path Finder

Dear splunk community,

We get the following error message trying to get SPLUNK_TA_jmx 3.1.0 working on a 64Bit SLES 11 SP3 system with splunk build 259063:

Unable to initialize modular input "jmx" defined inside the app "Splunk_TA_jmx": Introspecting scheme=jmx: script running failed (exited with code 1).

Some background:

We set up SPLUNK_TA_jmx for testing on a Windows server 2008 R2 running Splunk 6.2.4 build 271043 and it works without any problems.
Now we want to install it on a heavy forwarder running on 64Bit SLES 11 SP3 in our production Splunk infrastructure with search head and indexer clustering.
We set up Splunk 6.2.1 as a heavy forwarder with

index = false

server = <list of index servers in the index cluster>

We created an index for the events on the indexer cluster servers and the heavy forwarder.

From the splunkd.log:

12-29-2015 14:52:50.917 +0000 ERROR ModularInputs - Introspecting scheme=jmx: script running failed (exited with code 1).
12-29-2015 14:52:50.918 +0000 ERROR ModularInputs - Unable to initialize modular input "jmx"  defined inside the app "Splunk_TA_jmx": Introspecting scheme=jmx: script running failed (exited with code 1).

We found the following information on with similar problems, but they don't solve our issue:

See for example the following output for reference:

splunk@xxxxxx:~/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_jmx> $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk cmd /opt/splunk/bin/python $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_jmx/bin/ --scheme
    <title>JMX (Java Management Extensions)</title>
    <description>Monitor Java Virtual Machines via their exposed JMX MBean attributes, operations and notifications</description>
            <arg name="name">
                <title>JMX Input Name</title>
                <description>Name of the JMX input</description>
            <arg name="config_file">
                <title>JMX Config File</title>
                <description>Name of the config file.Defaults to config.xml</description>
            <arg name="config_file_dir">
                <title>JMX Config File Directory</title>
                <description>Alternative location for the config files relative to SPLUNK_HOME ie: etc/apps/foobar</description>
            <arg name="polling_frequency">
                <title>Polling Frequency</title>
                <description>How frequently to execute the polling in seconds.Defaults to 60</description>

Any idea or help would be very welcome.

Thank you and regards,

1 Solution



Did you install Java?

Hope I help you

View solution in original post

0 Karma



Did you install Java?

Hope I help you

0 Karma

Path Finder

yes, we are using JDK 1.8

0 Karma

Path Finder

found the reason for the problem:
looks like Splunk_TA_jmx expect java to be located in /usr/bin
setting a symbolic link to the java executable solves the problem

0 Karma
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