I have a service that does uploading in bulk per request. Each request will contain a list of 100 records. In splunk i get this list of 100 request as one event. Is there a way i can split this list and generate 100 splunk events through query
Sample log event:
[2022-04-28T09:27:39,755+0000]-[INFO ]-["threadPoolTaskExecutor-1" traceId=8f22a26fcd03cdfdcd186131aa862c09, spanId=c4bb44c1f0561b9b, sampled=false cid=, clu=]-[c.i.v.s.t.k.EventBusConsumer]-[110]-Message. key = null . Size = 5008 . Value = {"items": [{"contactID": "1","firstName": "ricj"},{"contactID": "2","firstName": "rock"},{"contactID": "3","firstName": "rob"}]}
Expected events:
{"contactID": "1","firstName": "rich"}
{"contactID": "2","firstName": "rock"}
{"contactID": "3","firstName": "rob"}