I am using the Solarwinds Add-on. I have it installed on my HF and it is working fine. However there is one sourcetype (out of the 3) which the timestamp is not correct - it is named "solarwinds:alerts". It appears to be one hour behind the other sourcetypes. It looks to be GMT when it should be GMT+1.
I have created a new props.conf file in /etc/splunk/apps/Splunk_TA_Solarwinds/local/ directory of the HF instance . In this file I have added:
[sourcetype::"solarwinds:alerts"] TZ = GMT+1
I saved the config, restarted the HF and search for the events of this sourcetype but they still appear to be off by one hour and the TZ setting doesnt seem to be working.
Researching online, this seems to be the standard way to set a timezone. Is there something I am doing wrong?
You probably are fitted by summertime definition which is not known if you are using GMT as TZ. Here is some explanation of it https://community.splunk.com/t5/Getting-Data-In/Setting-other-TZ-in-props-conf/m-p/38984. So try to use those which also contains Summertime information.
r. Ismo
I have modified props.conf to the below...
.... but still it has no effect on the timestamps of the events coming in from this sourcetype. i tried multiple different timezone identifiers from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones as a test and none make any difference.
Something im doing wrong?