I am trying to do an onclick in a button in an HTML block in Simple XML:
<label>Test Button onclick error</label>
<button id="button" onclick="myfunction()" rover="dog">Click Here</button>
When it gets rendered, onclick is removed. Noticed I added a bogus tag and it was passed through.
<div id="row1" class="dashboard-row dashboard-row1">
<div id="panel1" class="dashboard-cell" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="dashboard-panel clearfix">
<div class="panel-element-row">
<div id="element1" class="dashboard-element html" style="width: 100%">
<div class="panel-body html">
<div><button id="button" rover="dog">Click Here</button></div>
I am trying to execute a java script on demand from a link in an HTML panel.
Any ideas?
Try removing the Bootstrip div
elements wrapping your submit button, replacing with a plain div
, and sourcing your JavaScript from a .js
file -- I was using
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<input id="submit_button" type="button" value="Click" onclick="alert('Test')" />
and replaced it with
<input id="submit_button" type="button" value="Click"/>
require([ "jquery", "splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!"],
$("#submit_button").on("click", function (){
I'm not sure why SimpleXML chomps the onclick, but this workaround helped.
Source: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/378289/calling-java-script-from-dashboard.html
this is not working with default submit button (field set) , any suggestions?
I worked:
but was unable to get anything to work.
@fk319 try removing any Bootstrap divs surrounding the input -- that was what fixed my issue while using your first link.