Hi everyone,
I would like to generate splunk logs for a particular host monthly via Bash script or Python or anything...
How could I accomplish this task? please show me some guidlines..
Ye Lin Aung
There is almost always a Splunk app to help you forward logs in. For example, you can use The Splunk Add-On for Linux and Unix
get get OS-based details from *Nix machines: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/833/
Hi @yelinaung. Can you say more about what you are trying to accomplish?
If you want a way to write a log file every month you can use cron with a script of your choice assuming you are on Linux.
Splunk has scripted inputs with a Splunk forwarder that can run every month. So each forwarder could write a log file each month.
Tell us more what you are trying to do.