I have inherited 6 indexers in my deployment.
Some of the SoS searches don't work because they are pulling data from the SoS index. All of the indexers are running PS commands for the NIX app into index=os and only three of them are running PS command script into the index=SoS. if I run the SoS searches and change the index=os the search comes back with data.
What would be the best way to handle this
1) turn off/uninstall the NIX app on all the indexers and reinstall the SOS app
2) edit the SOS app to search both the SOS index and the OS index
Also is it too much to have both the SOS app running slimier system request scripts as the NIX app?
No need to do either choice.
Read this response in regards to "What do I need to do for the SoS data inputs to track Splunk resource usage?" here: http://answers.splunk.com/answers/38091/best-practices-to-deploy-the-sos-app-in-a-distributed-search...
Enabling these scripts should start the data flowing into your SOS index.