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SNMP event


How to configure Univesal fowarder to send snmp traps in unix server and how to collect?
whats the use of snmp modular input and where to install it? on the fowarder side or splunk instance?
can we use syslog for snmp traps??

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Hello @punithjigali ,

to send snmp traps from a linux host:

  • install and configure snmp to send traps independently from splunk
  • configure script input to run snmptrap command periodically

how to collect SNMP described here:

whats the use of snmp modular input and where to install it? on the fowarder side or splunk instance? - it depends on where you want to capture SNMP input - on Indexer or on HF, on UF too, but you have to configure it manually, because UF has no UI.

can we use syslog for snmp traps - yes, snmp deamon can collect traps and write them to log, and syslog can read this log and send events to Splunk. Alternatevely UF can read the log and send events to Splunk.

There are many options, choose what suits you best.

Let me know if it helps

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