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Real time mode not working. I get an error - the dataset 'Cisco_IOS_Event' has no field 'index'.

Path Finder

the non real time mode works fine. any ideas why I would get this error? the sourcetype is cisco:ios not sure why it would need the index and if it did, would the datamodel already have it in it by default?


This should be fixed in the latest version which is 2.5.6 without having to do any customizations. Please let me know if this is not the case.

0 Karma


The way I resolved this issue was to do the following

Go to "Data models" choose the Cisco app from the app drop down menu,
Click "Cisco_IOS_Event" > on the far right click the "Add Field" drop down and click "Auto Extracted",

You should then get a list of the available fields,
I then just selected the index field and hit save.

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Did you ever find a resolution to this? I'm having this exact same issue.

0 Karma
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