We have version 2.7.3 of website monitoring installed and are having the following problem:
When trying to update a password for a website, the password update does not take. It seems that once we create a site, the credential is basically set. We have tried deleting the site (via Setttings/Data Inputs/Website Availability Check) - sure enough we can delete the site, but when we re-create the site it still fails. I have dug around the file system trying to find the file with the credentials, to no avail. We have even looked in the python(I'm not a python expert by any means) but still no clues as to where these credentials are being kept.
Any help on how to either update the password or recreate a site with the correct credentials would be greatly appreciated.
A quick update to this post. This only seems to be an issue when there is a ":" (colon) in the name of the website being checked. For instance prd:mywebsite