I've installed the PDF Download app you provided but I haven't been able to get it to work yet. I just get a pop-up message of "PDF Generation Failed". Haven't found any log messages yet. The Splunk Supplied PDF Report server works.
I was the same issue “Loading…” forever with Splunk version 4.2.3 build 105575, PDF Server for Linux 1.2.
On page https://splunkserver/en-US/custom/pdfutils/pdfdownload/settings
you can see your problem. Probably that's your PDF server is disabled.
To resolv that in Manager -> System settings -> 'Email alert settings' setup your splunk IP address in Email Format -> Link hostname:
after that restart splunk
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk restart
I installed “PDF Download Extension” app today. Our splunk version is 4.2 (96430). I got a “PDF Generation Failed” message with Firefox browser. And, it is “Loading…” forever when I click “Download PDF…” on any dashboard with IE8.
The issue I'm referring to is the app "PDF Download Extension" provided by ziegfried. I didn't realize the "Ask Developer" button just put a post in General Answers. The PDF Report Server application works fine with scheduled e-mail reports. (Other than a chart width issue I'm currently in touch with support about).
What's the environment you've installed the app on? What version of the PDF Report Server are you using? Which Splunk version on which operating system? Do you use a separate reporting server? What kind of dashboard are you trying to render?
HTTP status 400 probably means that one or more of the post parameters are not formatted correctly or unknown. I'll try to get a version with more debug output up asap.
splunk (our internal domain gets appended) resolves internally to this host. Both the short and fqdn is in /etc/hosts on this server as well.
Here is the last request in the console:
GET https://splunk/en-US/custom/pdfutils/pdfdownload/status?report=bdee0d54-2fc0-4f7b-869d-2ba444ae706f
200 OK
common.min.js (line 2598)
{"report": "bdee0d54-2fc0-4f7b-869d-2ba444ae706f", "finished": true, "success": false, "error": "Splunkd response status: 400"}
splunkd_access.log: - - [11/Jul/2011:14:22:07.388 -0700] "POST /services/pdfserver/renderpdf HTTP/1.1" 400 322 - - - 282ms
Hmm. You should be able to see the error message with Firebug. There should be several Ajax requests to .../pdfdownload/status. The last one of those shlould contain the error message.
Ziegfried - the Splunk version is 4.2.1 build 98164 on Oracle Linux 5.5 64bit. The PDF Report server is 1.2, on the same host. The dashboard I'm trying to test this on is just a simple 2 chart page, which I'm able to send via e-mail successfully. I get the same error when I try and download PDF on any page.
Mike, can you clarify the difference between "PDF download" and "Splunk Supplied PDF Report server"?